GitLab Node.js SonarQube Integration
In the fast-evolving landscape of software development, ensuring code quality and security is paramount. To streamline this process, integrating a robust set of tools becomes imperative. In this blog, we embark on a journey to seamlessly integrate GitLab, SonarQube, pytest,, and dependency-check into a unified ecosystem. By combining version control, code analysis, testing, code coverage evaluation, and dependency scanning, we aim to create a powerful and efficient pipeline that not only enhances the overall quality of the codebase but also fortifies it against potential vulnerabilities. Join us as we explore each tool's role in this integration, demonstrating how they collectively contribute to a more resilient and high-performing software development lifecycle.
After the code is committed, these reports should be generated by CI/CD pipelines automatically.
- Test result and test coverage report by Jest.
- Dependency check report by Dependency-Check
- Code quality by SonarQube
- Sommarize these reports into GitLab & SonarQube.
Test result and coverage
Test result and coverage in console and HTML reports (Jest)
Test result (Console):
I don't find a Jest feature to generate plain text test result on console, please let me know if you know how to do it.
Test result (HTML):
Test coverage (Console):
Test coverage (HTML):
Test Result and coverage on GitLab
I don't try it, since GitLab only supports JUnit format, you can use jest-junit to generate JUnit format report and upload it into artifacts of GitLab.
Configuration files
1{ 2 "name": "test1", 3 "version": "1.0.7", 4 "main": "server.js", 5 "dependencies": { 6 "fastify": "^4.24.2", 7 "fastify-plugin": "^4.5.1", 8 "mysql2": "^3.6.2", 9 "winston": "^3.11.0", 10 "winston-daily-rotate-file": "^4.7.1" 11 }, 12 "devDependencies": { 13 "chai": "^4.3.10", 14 "chai-http": "^4.4.0", 15 "jest": "29.7.0", 16 "jest-html-reporters": "^3.1.4" 17 }, 18 "scripts": { 19 "start": "node server", 20 "testonly": "jest", 21 "test": "jest --coverage " 22 } 23}
1{ 2 "reporters": [ 3 "default", 4 [ 5 "jest-html-reporters", 6 { 7 "publicPath": "test-report", 8 "pageTitle": "Test1 Test Report" 9 } 10 ] 11 ] 12}
1FROM node:20.6.1-bookworm-slim 2 3WORKDIR /app 4ADD . /app 5RUN ls 6EXPOSE 8001 7CMD ["npm", "start"]
1variables: 2 PROJECT_NAME: "test_1" 3 VER: 1.0.7 4 DOCKER_FILE_NAME: test_1 5 SONARQUBE_URL: 6 SONARQUBE_TOKEN: squ_**************************************** 7 SONARQUBE_PROJECT_KEY: test_1 8 9image: node:20.6.1-bookworm-slim 10 11stages: 12 - setup 13 - test 14 - dependency_check 15 - quality_check 16 - build_docker 17 18cache: 19 paths: 20 - node_modules/ 21 22setup: 23 stage: setup 24 script: 25 - npm install 26 27test: 28 stage: test 29 script: 30 - npm test 31 artifacts: 32 paths: 33 - ./test-report 34 - ./coverage 35 36dependency_check: 37 allow_failure: true 38 stage: dependency_check 39 image: 40 #name: 41 #name: owasp/dependency-check:latest 42 name: owasp/dependency-check-action:latest 43 entrypoint: [""] 44 script: 45 - - /usr/share/dependency-check/bin/ --scan "./" --format ALL --project "$PROJECT_NAME" --failOnCVSS 0 46 artifacts: 47 when: always 48 paths: 49 - "./dependency-check-report.html" 50 - "./dependency-check-report.json" 51 52quality_check: 53 stage: quality_check 54 image: 55 name: sonarsource/sonar-scanner-cli:5.0.1 56 script: 57 - sonar-scanner -D"$SONARQUBE_URL" 58 -D"sonar.token=$SONARQUBE_TOKEN" 59 -D"sonar.projectKey=$SONARQUBE_PROJECT_KEY" 60 -D"sonar.projectName=$PROJECT_NAME" 61 -D"sonar.sourceEncoding=utf-8" 62 -D"sonar.exclusions=test/**/*, coverage/**/*, test-report/**/*, dependency-check-report.html" 63 -D"sonar.javascript.lcov.reportPaths=./coverage/" 64 -D"sonar.dependencyCheck.jsonReportPath=./dependency-check-report.json" 65 -D"sonar.dependencyCheck.htmlReportPath=./dependency-check-report.html" 66 67build_docker: 68 stage: build_docker 69 image: docker 70 services: 71 - name: docker:dind 72 alias: thedockerhost 73 variables: 74 # Tell docker CLI how to talk to Docker daemon; see 75 # 76 DOCKER_HOST: tcp://thedockerhost:2375/ 77 # Use the overlayfs driver for improved performance: 78 DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2 79 DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR: "" 80 script: 81 - echo Buile Ver $VER 82 - docker build --no-cache -t $DOCKER_FILE_NAME:$VER -f Dockerfile . 83 - docker save $DOCKER_FILE_NAME:$VER -o $DOCKER_FILE_NAME-$VER.tar 84 artifacts: 85 paths: 86 - ./$DOCKER_FILE_NAME-$VER.tar 87 only: 88 - master
Posts in this Series
- GitLab Node.js SonarQube Integration
- Python Code Quality: GitLab, SonarQube, OWASP, Dependency-Check, and Essential Dev Tools Integration
- Run SonarQube on Linux Docker with Mono to scan .NET 4.8 Code
- GitLab SonarQube Integration with .NET
- Use Grafana to Manage SonarQube KPI
- Use Grafana to Manage GitLab CI/CD Pipelines
- Use GitLab to do .NET 4.8 CI/CD
- GitLab Checkmarx CI/CD Integration
- GitLab Checkmarx SonarQube Integration