GitLab SonarQube Integration with .NET
If you want to use SonarQube to scan your code during GitLab's CI/CD flow, please see the following procedures.
GitLab + SonarQube + .NET Core or .NET 5/6/7/... (docker)
Refer to this document to integrate GitLab and SonarQube.
Set the environment variable in GitLab
- $SONAR_URL: The URL of SonarQube
- $SONAR_TOKEN: The token to access SonarQube
- $CI_PROJECT_DIR: This is a predifined variable in GitLab, you can reference
- $CI_JOB_NAME: This is a predifined variable in GitLab, you can reference
Add the following to your .gitlab-ci.yml
1variables: 2 SONAR_PROJECT_KEY: This-is-my-project-key-in-SonarQube 3 4owasp_dependency_check: 5 image: 6 name: 7 entrypoint: [""] 8 stage: dependency_check 9 tags: 10 - docker 11 script: 12 # Job will scan the project root folder and fail if any vulnerabilities with CVSS > 0 are found 13 - /usr/share/dependency-check/bin/ --scan "./" --format ALL --project "$CI_PROJECT_NAME" --failOnCVSS 0 14 # Dependency Check will only fail the job based on CVSS scores, and in some cases vulnerabilities do not 15 # have CVSS scores (e.g. those from NPM audit), so they don't cause failure. To fail for any vulnerabilities 16 # grep the resulting report for any "vulnerabilities" sections and exit if any are found (count > 0). 17 - if [ $(grep -c "vulnerabilities" dependency-check-report.json) -gt 0 ]; then exit 2; fi 18 allow_failure: true 19 artifacts: 20 when: always 21 paths: 22 # Save the HTML and JSON report artifacts 23 - "./dependency-check-report.html" 24 - "./dependency-check-report.json" 25 26sonarqube: 27 allow_failure: true 28 stage: sonar 29 tags: 30 - docker 31 image: 32 name: sonarsource/sonar-scanner-cli:latest 33 entrypoint: [""] 34 variables: 35 SONAR_HOST_URL: $SONAR_URL 36 SONAR_USER_HOME: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/.sonar" # Defines the location of the analysis task cache 37 #SONAR_LOGIN: $SONAR_TOKEN 38 GIT_DEPTH: "0" # Tells git to fetch all the branches of the project, required by the analysis task 39 cache: 40 key: "${CI_JOB_NAME}" 41 paths: 42 - .sonar/cache 43 script: 44 - echo $SONAR_URL 45 - echo $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH 46 - sonar-scanner -D sonar.login="$SONAR_TOKEN" -D sonar.projectKey=$SONAR_PROJECT_KEY -Dsonar.projectName="${SONAR_PROJECT_KEY} (${CI_COMMIT_BRANCH})" 47 -D sonar.dependencyCheck.jsonReportPath="./dependency-check-report.json" -D sonar.dependencyCheck.htmlReportPath="./dependency-check-report.html" 48 49security-code-scan: 50 stage: security-scan 51 tags: 52 - docker 53 allow_failure: true 54 image: 55 #image: 56 script: 57 - echo $env:Path 58 - dotnet restore 59 - dotnet tool install --global security-scan 60 - mkdir report 61 - $HOME/.dotnet/tools/security-scan geosense_netcore_project_template.sln --excl-proj=**/*Test*/** --export=report/out.sarif 62 artifacts: 63 paths: 64 - ./geosense_netcore_project_template/report
Try to build the code
GitLab + SonarQube + .NET 4.8 (non-docker)
The docker support of .NET 4.0 or below is not very good, if you cannot upgrade, I suggest you use non-docker solution. You can refer to to build .NET 4 applications in GitLab CI/CD flow. And you can follow the following procedures to integrate SonarQube.
- Reference this document to integrate GitLab and SonarQube.
You need to install these softwares:
- Java, you can choose Adopt JDK or others, please add java.exe to PATH.
Sonar Scanner for .NET, assumes you put it in
Add the following to your .gitlab-ci.yml
1sonarqube_windows: 2 allow_failure: true 3 tags: 4 - windows 5 stage: sonar 6 variables: 7 SONAR_PROJECT_KEY: ProjectXXX 8 SONAR_TOKEN: **************************************** 9 script: 10 - echo $SONAR_URL 11 - echo $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH 12 - dotnet tool update --global dotnet-sonarscanner 13 - dotnet C:\Gitlab\sonar-scanner\SonarScanner.MSBuild.dll begin /k:$SONAR_PROJECT_KEY /"$SONAR_URL" /d:sonar.login="$SONAR_TOKEN" /d:sonar.scm.provider=git 14 - dotnet restore ******.sln 15 - dotnet build ******.sln 16 - dotnet C:\Gitlab\sonar-scanner\SonarScanner.MSBuild.dll end /d:sonar.login="$SONAR_TOKEN"
- Try to build the code
Run SonarQube on Linux Docker with Mono to scan .NET 4.8 Code
If you want to run SonarQube to scan .Net 4 code on Linux docker, you can reference Run SonarQube on Linux Docker with Mono to scan .NET 4.8 Code, but it has some limitation.
Posts in this Series
- GitLab Node.js SonarQube Integration
- Python Code Quality: GitLab, SonarQube, OWASP, Dependency-Check, and Essential Dev Tools Integration
- Run SonarQube on Linux Docker with Mono to scan .NET 4.8 Code
- GitLab SonarQube Integration with .NET
- Use Grafana to Manage SonarQube KPI
- Use Grafana to Manage GitLab CI/CD Pipelines
- Use GitLab to do .NET 4.8 CI/CD
- GitLab Checkmarx CI/CD Integration
- GitLab Checkmarx SonarQube Integration