Micro:bit Shooting Game with Sound and Light Effects
- This program only supports Micro:bit v2 or higher.
- Because I use Expansion Board, please add Neopixel extension in your micro:bit editor. (https://makecode.microbit.org/pkg/microsoft/pxt-neopixel)
Block code
- This is the block code, you can press edit to see the source code.
Python code
If you prefer Python, the following is the code. (I use block only to develop this.)
1def on_button_pressed_a(): 2 monkey.change(LedSpriteProperty.X, -1) 3input.on_button_pressed(Button.A, on_button_pressed_a) 4 5def on_button_pressed_ab(): 6 global bullet, banana 7 music.play_sound_effect(music.builtin_sound_effect(soundExpression.happy), 8 SoundExpressionPlayMode.IN_BACKGROUND) 9 bullet = game.create_sprite(monkey.get(LedSpriteProperty.X), 10 monkey.get(LedSpriteProperty.Y)) 11 bullet.turn(Direction.LEFT, 90) 12 for index in range(4): 13 bullet.move(1) 14 if bullet.is_touching(banana): 15 bullet.delete() 16 banana.delete() 17 game.add_score(1) 18 music.play_sound_effect(music.builtin_sound_effect(soundExpression.giggle), 19 SoundExpressionPlayMode.IN_BACKGROUND) 20 strip.show_rainbow(1, 360) 21 for index2 in range(30): 22 strip.show() 23 strip.rotate(1) 24 basic.pause(100) 25 basic.pause(1000) 26 strip.show_color(neopixel.colors(NeoPixelColors.BLACK)) 27 strip.clear() 28 banana = game.create_sprite(randint(0, 3), 0) 29 else: 30 basic.pause(200) 31 bullet.delete() 32input.on_button_pressed(Button.AB, on_button_pressed_ab) 33 34def on_button_pressed_b(): 35 monkey.change(LedSpriteProperty.X, 1) 36input.on_button_pressed(Button.B, on_button_pressed_b) 37 38bullet: game.LedSprite = None 39monkey: game.LedSprite = None 40banana: game.LedSprite = None 41strip: neopixel.Strip = None 42strip = neopixel.create(DigitalPin.P2, 24, NeoPixelMode.RGB) 43strip.set_brightness(50) 44banana = game.create_sprite(randint(0, 4), 0) 45monkey = game.create_sprite(2, 4) 46game.set_score(0) 47game.start_countdown(50000) 48 49def on_forever(): 50 basic.pause(randint(500, 5000)) 51 banana.set(LedSpriteProperty.X, randint(0, 4)) 52 banana.set(LedSpriteProperty.Y, randint(0, 2)) 53basic.forever(on_forever)